15 Costumes You Should Avoid This Halloween Season
Source: screenshot / Neflix
Happy Halloween season to those who celebrate!
MORE: What Does The Bible Say About Halloween?
This year we’re entering a spooky season, unlike anything you may have seen before. In theory, this Halloween will be the most woke one yet — costumes are being protested, even banned in some cases, with respect and decency surprisingly being favored over shock value.
The stress of dressing up how you want while also doing your best not to offend would make some decide to just stay in — here are some Netflix horror movie suggestions if you go that route. We went along and crafted up a quick set of costume guidelines for the many out there who already have a few parties lined up to attend. However, we’re flipping the script by letting you know what not to wear so that you’ll have an easier time coming up with something creative versus being crass or even worse…corny!
MORE: Netflix’s ‘Dahmer’ Exposes The Systematic Racism That Enabled A Serial Killer
It’s easy to see how many would find it upsetting to mock serial killers and the real-life murders they’ve committed, but you’ve also got some costumes that’ve honestly just been run into the ground year after year.
Let’s be honest: how many times have you seen the bunny ears look paired with lingerie or effortless street attire?! There’s also the handful that was once staples of the season that’ve now been discontinued due to the current cultural climate — au revoir, Pepé Le Pew! We definitely understand the need for a little help at the end of the day, so we’re here to help you steer clear of the costume no-no’s in order to avoid making an apology in the morning. You’re welcome in advance!
According to Forbes, in 2021 consumers spent $10.1 billion for Halloween, hitting a record high. This year’s projection of $10.6 billion is expected to outperform that record, but that doesn’t mean you have to waste your money on costumes that may get you shunned from your friend circle.
Take a look at 15 Halloween costumes we don’t suggest anyone dress up as this season. Whether offensive or just played out, take our advice and do yourself some justice by not playing yourself. Trust us we only have your best interest at heart.
Check the list below.
1. Jeffrey Dahmer
Whether channeling the real Dahmer or Evan Peters’ chillingly-accurate portrayal of him in the current Netflix record-breaking series Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, leave the real-life serial killer steez to a zero minimum.
2. “COVID-19”
We don’t need any reminders of that two-year period we just got through! Also, it’s offensive to the people who actually died or lost someone to the virus.
3. A ‘Squid Game’ Guard Without Cutting Out Eyes To See!
Be on-trend, but be smart too!
4. Any Race/Ethnicity That Isn’t Your Own
Never been a good choice. NEVER will be.
5. Osama Bin Laden Or Any Other Terrorist
Even portraying a dead terrorist is uncomfortable to say the least. Let’s… not.
6. Intentionally Transphobic Attire
We’re living in a new generation where intolerance when it comes to gender and/or sexuality will simply not be permitted. Get with it!
7. Any And All “Ears-Only” Costumes
Come on — do something else! *T-Pain voice*
8. Sexualized Version Of A Cartoon
You don’t find it even a bit weird for adults to be sexualizing a children’s cartoon? Oh, ok….
9. Straightjackets or Anything Alluding To Mental Health
Let’s be a little more sensitive when it comes to mental health struggles.
10. Anything That Makes Light Of Abortion Laws
Keep in mind, even costumes themed around Hulu’s hit series The Handmaid’s Tale fall into this category.
11. Dead Celebrities In Zombie Form
Shave your head and go as 2Pac. Swoop some hair over your eye and go as Aaliyah. However, do not pull up to the function as Biggie, Nipsey or any other of our fallen heroes with decaying flesh or wounds that signify how they died. Zero respect!
12. The Sexy “[Insert Regular Day Job Here]”
Ladies, you look good but this is just too played out.
13. Controversial Public Figures
I’m not here to mince words.
If you’re a Black person who supports white supremacist ideology, you’re as much a detriment to the Black, Jewish, Latino, Asian, & LGBTQ communities as the KKK and other hate groups.
Talking to you Candace & Kanye. pic.twitter.com/TjsgVpznqn
— Eddie Smith (@eddsmitty) October 17, 2022
Kanye, Trump, Putin, Alex Jones, Bill Cosby, R. Kel— well, you get it! No need to dress up as the disgraced.
14. Anything In Relation to the Russo-Ukrainian War
Matters that are very serious to world history shouldn’t be made into a tongue-in-cheek costume for the sake of amusement. People are still losing their lives overseas.
15. The “I’m Dressed As Myself” Hive
We’d rather you just admit you couldn’t afford a costume or stay home for that matter. Don’t be the buzzkill.
The post 15 Costumes You Should Avoid This Halloween Season appeared first on NewsOne.