10 Times Candace Owens Flexed Her Anti-Black Muscles
Source: Jason Davis / Getty
Candace Owens has long been a divisive character in conservative media. Known for making ridiculous statements on race and politics. Her latest remarks about the death of Jordan Neely. A homeless man killed on a New York City subway train, have recently sparked a new round of criticism. Owens has stated that she has “no sympathy” for Neely and has advocated for the reintroduction of insane asylums in the United States. Many have accused Owens of being anti-Black (and rightfully, so) because of her comments.
Let’s examine past remarks that have earned Owens a reputation as an infuriating and polarizing commentator, highlighting some of the most insane and disturbing instances of her controversial views on Black people.
Owens Announces Upcoming Documentary Where She Intends to “expose” BLM as a Scam.
Ironically, you suffer from a life of tremendous white privilege. You say “black lives matter” not because you mean it but because you hope it provides you legitimacy within a community you never knew .
The fraudulent BLM will be exposed on 10/12. You’re invited to my premiere. https://t.co/c9klg31vzz pic.twitter.com/nrk2OBlgYe
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) October 6, 2022
Days after being spotted wearing one of Kanye West’s “White Lives Matter” shirts. Candace Owens announced that she would be launching a documentary aimed at “exposing” Black Lives Matter as a scam. In response, a popular Black commentator on Twitter pointed out the irony of Owens claiming that white people who support BLM are privileged. Given her own history of denying white privilege. Owens is likely producing the documentary to appeal to her white conservative audience, rather than genuinely wanting to protect Black people from any perceived BLM scam.
Candace Owens Demands Apologies from “Black America”: “I Will Accept Them,” She Says
Whenever black America is ready, I’ll accept apologies for the refusal to listen as I warned for YEARS that if Democrats got control, they would import new voters over the border—making the black vote irrelevant.
Trump’s wall was never racist, it just disrupted their evil plan. https://t.co/neCHSwsvy9
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 2, 2021
Candace Owens made controversial comments on Twitter, claiming that “Black America” owes her an apology for not heeding her alleged advice on immigration at the southern border. Owens argues, without proof, that Democrats have “imported new voters” who will render Black voters “irrelevant.” Owens’ comments have been widely criticized, with many pointing out the lack of logic and credibility behind her claims.
She Suggests Cop Who Shot Rayshard Brooks In The Back Was ‘Unjustly’ Fired
Black Lives Matter supports criminals. #BLEXIT supports Police Officers.
We are working on building out a fund that will go live tomorrow for officers that are unjustly terminated.
Can someone please get me the name of the officer that was fired for #RayshardBrooks incident?
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 14, 2020
Owens has questioned why George Floyd has been made a “martyr,” threatened to start a fundraiser for fired cop Rolfe. Accused Black Lives Matter of supporting criminals, and accused Ahmaud Arbery of breaking into a property. Then suggested he was a criminal when he was shot by Gregory and Travis McMichael. Owens has also accused Floyd of having drugs when he was arrested and defended Amy Cooper, also known as Central Park Karen.
Candace Owens Defends Central Park Karen Who Called Cops
For those of you who need the backstory. Here is the full article with the guy telling exactly what happened and what he said.
This woman is being dragged as a racist for absolutely no reason.
Why are we so desperate to make everything about race?https://t.co/WccwdWQgl5
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 26, 2020
Candace Owens has received heavy criticism, including from Black conservatives, after defending the white woman who called the police on a Black bird-watcher in Central Park. The incident, which was recorded and shared on social media, showed Amy Cooper calling the police on Christian Cooper. Candace Owens defended Amy on Twitter, arguing that the incident was not about race and that calling the police was justifiable. However, her comments ignored the historical and present-day context of the incident.
Candace Owens Spews ‘Hateful’ Comments About Ahmaud Arbery
Ahmaud Arbery was caught on camera breaking into an unfinished property that was owned by Larry English.
His mother has confirmed it is him in the video.
Please stop with the “just a jogger” bullshit narrative.
Avid joggers don’t wear khaki shorts & stop to break into homes.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 9, 2020
Candace Owens gets ridiculed for her comments about Ahmaud Arbery, the Black man who was killed while jogging by two white men. Owens has been accused of relentlessly criminalizing Arbery. Blaming Arbey for his own death by accusing him of breaking into a property. While also questioning whether he was really jogging. However, Owens’ hateful comments about Arbery were apparently the final straw for some of her followers.
Candace Owens Claims Black America Has Turned Its Back On ‘Intellectual Heroes’ Like Ben Carson
Black America has been deceived. We’ve turned our back on the intellectual heroes of our community in favor of idolizing athletes, musicians, and rappers who have led us astray.
It was an honor to sit down w/ @SecretaryCarson . Premiering this Sunday on the l#CandaceOwensShow pic.twitter.com/B5DfcQcbrN
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) November 16, 2019
Candace Owens, sat-down in an interview with Ben Carson where she claimed that Black America has turned its back on “intellectual heroes” like Carson. Owens has a history of supporting Republicans who have made racist comments, including Carson, who has voiced support for Adolf Hitler and made disparaging remarks about Black women. However, these comments are nothing new.
Times Candace Owens Lied To Congress While Testifying About White Nationalism
The House is having a hearing on white supremacy and the Republicans invited Candace Owens who used her time to say it isn’t actually an issue, that it wouldn’t even rank in her top 100 issues and that the real issue is black-on-black crime & lack of masculinity in men. pic.twitter.com/kl2flYl7bK
— jordan (@JordanUhl) September 20, 2019
Candace Owens testified before Congress, reiterating her beliefs that white nationalism and white supremacy pose no threat to black people. During her testimony before the House Oversight and National Security committees. Owens claimed that there are more significant issues affecting minority Americans than white nationalism. Those including law enforcement accountability, father absence from homes, fostering a culture that does not inspire masculinity, and black-on-black crime. However, these comments were based on incorrect facts and debunked myths. In her previous testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on white supremacy, she made similar remarks. As she spoke about hate speech and white nationalism, which received criticism across social media.
Candace Owens Blatantly Lies That Black Men In Baltimore Are ‘Leading’ In Rape
Candace Owens said Baltimore is “leading” in rape & sexual assault. That’s a LIE & perpetuates the myth of black men as rapists. It’s media malpractice to have her on TV. Baltimore isn’t even in the top 50. Facts -> https://t.co/IPp6vvaqZu https://t.co/elsCtVBUWq pic.twitter.com/zxYX1Zjf2Y
— Clay ‘Critical Thinking Theory’ Cane (@claycane) August 8, 2019
On Fox News, Owens stated that Baltimore leads in rape, which is not accurate. Owens was chastised on Twitter for propagating the idea of Black males as rapists. Owens’ argument is even more deadly since it reinforces the stereotype that has resulted in the deaths of Black males. However, despite having a high homicide rate, Baltimore is not among the top 50 metropolitan regions in the United States with the highest rape rate, according to Statista.com. This is just one of many heinous remarks Owens has made.
Candace Owens Attacks Colin Kaepernick’s Racial Identity
I love how @shaunking who is white and @Kaepernick7 who is half-white, have raked in millions by continually telling black people that they are less than white people.
Two white men claiming the system is rigged for whites, as they rig the system to enrich themselves is funny.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) July 5, 2019
Owens tried to question Colin Kaepernick and Shaun King’s Blackness, which is consistent with her history of being an advocate for white supremacy. Owens believes that Black people with a white parent are less Black than others, which is ridiculous. Kaepernick has lost millions for speaking out against racism and King has dedicated his life to exposing stories that aren’t getting enough attention. Meanwhile, Owens has enriched herself by being a Black Trump supporter and has a history of making disgusting comments, such as blaming the mail bombs on Democrats and saying Hitler just wanted to “make Germany great again.”
Candace Owens’ Hateful Remarks On The Central Park 5
How foolish do you have to be to believe that the Central Park 5 case is suddenly being unearthed and glamorized because people care about justice?
Millions of dollars are being spent to emotionally manipulate us ahead of an election cycle— AGAIN.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 4, 2019
Candace Owens’ recent comments about Ava DuVernay’s “When They See Us” miniseries shows her proclivity for defending white supremacy and pandering to conservatives. She took to Twitter to claim that “blacks” were being emotionally manipulated. She also stated that “the Central Park 5 were NOT innocent,” despite being exonerated by the New York Supreme Court.
‘No Sympathy’: Candace Owens’ Heartless Comments About Jordan Neely’s Death Are A New Low
Candace Owens Whines About ‘Ridiculous’ Women’s Underwear Ad Featuring Disabled Model In Wheelchair